More leaves – noch mehr Blätter

I spent the week-end outside with all the leaves enjoying the sun.
Now finally my experiments with the paper leaves, as promised more leaves.
Miss Herzfrischs Drawingchallenge collage Leaves
I found these leaves skeletons in the garden while weeting yesterday – a perfect background for the paper punch outs.
By the way in German we have the same word for leaves and sheets.
The background is a vintage book cover painted with my daughter’s watercolours.Miss Herzfrischs Drawingchallenge collage Leaves and Owl
The second part of the vintage book cover – background painted with watercolour…
Hope you all had a wonderful week-end.

Now I will check all your wonderful post about “leaves” – thank you all for participating.When I punched out the leaves I become intoxicated – so if someone wants some punches, please tell me and i will sent out some.

6 thoughts on “More leaves – noch mehr Blätter

  1. intoxicated with leaves, that’s a fine thing! the punch is a drug, innit? i have one of those (somewhere), so next time i start punching leaves, i’ll think of you. your designs look great, they remind me a little of these, especially the owl composition. clever idea to tint the book covers… i suppose our word for blad/bladeren is similar to german, right?
    cheers for hosting!

  2. wunderschönst!! ich mag besonders den gassenbub ;-)!
    das war ein schönes thema und ich hab gleich noch weiter gemacht. schachtelei sag ich nur!
    liebe grüße von mano

  3. schöne eule. und dein blattstempel gefällt mir auch sehr gut. mit den landkarten und den alten buchseiten … fein.

    ich wünschte, man könnte den winterspeck noch besser konservieren als durch apfelmus oder trockenäpfel ;) wo wor doch nun so viele haben … und sie irgendwie gleichzeitig reinf sind …

    liebe grüße . tabea

  4. Beautiful. Fabulous. Wonderful. Enchanting. Sweet. Enticing. Lovely work Sabine. I have a few different leaf shaped punches myself that I use…and will be using more now that I see how great your work is. Hugs, Norma, x

  5. ha i did forget to come back and have a look, but here i am at last, i do love birds, your combined these beautiful pctures with those cute leaves so very well, enchanting colors, x

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