DC: Witching hour – Geisterstunde

DC: Witching hour – Geisterstunde

Norma called for ghosts this week…
I made this picture this morning and thought this is really a perfect ghost morning.

Miss Herzfrischs Ghostgarland - Geistergirlande

My daughter and me made our first Halloween decoration: the ghost garland, made out of vintage book pages. It is not perfect, butI think that makes it special.

The ghost in the back was me.

If you like to see more ghost, have a look at Norma’s wonderful blog.

6 thoughts on “DC: Witching hour – Geisterstunde

  1. Sabine oh how great are you ghosts in that garland…and YES it is much better not being perfect. There are so many machines and gadgets and punches these days that can just whip out perfect shapes times a zillion that they are boring. Imperfect hand cut is art my friend!! Love the one with the ink marks on the paper. Happy spoooooooooky morning to you, art friend! *hugs* Norma, x

  2. your garland telling me of wonderful mother/daughter time
    your photo, those soft misty greys creating a different kind of distance between the viewer and the view, love it, x

  3. Och, ist die Girlande süß!!! Echt, ich bin überhaupt kein Fan von Halloweendekozeugs, aber dies hier finde ich richtig toll, so niedlich und zauberhaft und verspielt und ästhetisch.
    Das Foto mag ich auch, da sind die Zombies nicht weit…
    Liebe Grüße an Dich und Deine Tochter, Stefanie

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